Saturday, October 07, 2006

Eventful week

Yup, looking at the title, this week, or at least the end of it, has been quite eventful. But let's make it systematically, ne?


Nothing much, but the regular P.E. Surprisingly, I think I got a tad better at volleyball this day. I was able to hit the ball in a straight line. Dam, dam, dam-dam! And as always, I felt tired afterwards, and ended feeling sleepy during Chemistry.


I got stuck at school because someone didn't tell me that there wasn't any debate this day. So, lucky, my mom didn't take her color-coded car to office since she had to some banking around Ayala Avenue. I don't want to try to do that again, it was totally tiring. I think that I blogged about that before. Hehe... Anyway, she took a taxi and picked me up from school.


Nope, nothing happened today. I just died and came back to life. Nope. Joke of course. Only Jesus has come back from death.


To make up for my totally uneventful Wednesday, my Thursday was totally different from my regular days.

One, because of Milenyo Teachers' Day was cancelled (and blah, blah, blah, no need for more explanations) so we held our celebration today, and so... It honestly sucked, as it always did. The performances were mainly from the elementary kids, so since kids have extraordinarily thick skins, they aren't shy. (duh, get to the point...) They performed the lamest things, so what if I'm being supremely mean. Damn, Breaking Free from sub-strandard performers is a serious pain to the ears. Breaking Free is so annoying, hearing it over, and over, and over again until it makes your ears bleed. Gah!

Second, after the celebration with a recycled poster (from Students' Night, just with an extra layer) we had our yearly hopia games. Haha, hopia games, that honestly sounds stupid. Anyway, it's the dice in the bowl game. The only thing I really hate about this game that took up our time till lunch (yay!) is that I NEVER EVER win anything more than a few littly pieces of hopia. This time I just got one tiny little hopia. Damnit! So, I just ended up mooching some hopia from some of my neighbours. ;)

And no debate meet again.


Nothing really special during actual school work except that I got a 25 out of 26 in dum, dum, dum-dum (!) Algebra! Whoa, I never get high scores in Math, I'm ADVERSE to math and math related subjects... And once again, whoa...

This is really cool. Since our numbers (of those in the debate society) have shrunk to this tiny number, we ended up rounding up 3 (!) members for the meeting. I mean, that's not even enough to hold a debate, no matter how cut and diced it gets. So inspite of the number, we had a ton of fun. I, myself, kept laughing during this time (I swear, I had not gone insane) . We had public speaking!
It was really fun, much more fun that debate, quite honestly. I swear, haha. Now, I'm multi-purpose as well. Maybe Joyce and I would be entered into public speaking contests as well, she did say that she didn't want to do it alone. Hey, we could drag Daichi into our mayhem as well. Ms. President was actually really funny as well.
This is the real crecendo of things, today our brand-new CRV arrived! It's "abalaster-silver" and it smells nice. I've always liked the smell of new cars... I drove really smoothly, and I'm trying to get used to the high view from it. Actually, as of now, I've only got 2 rides in it... I could go on and on on this, but won't, I (for once) want to go to sleep.
So ja!

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