Friday, January 18, 2008


As Neko points out, this post was due for quite some time now, 2 weeks I think. I just haven't had the time to brag about this. >.

Anyhoo... Yipee!

FIRST AND MIDDLE NAME: Patricia May Tuazon
STATUS: Accepted

^- And that blank after the scholarship part simply means that I'm not a scholar, duh. But I'm just saying this so no one misunderstands.

Now that this is over, I can now say in a very singsongy voice, "I'm going to Ateneo!" Read that 10 times and you've got it. What else can I say? How about our batch's passing rate?

I'm not sure how many took the entrance exam, probably around 60+, but one around less than 20 got in. That's about 20%... It isn't amazing, but it's better than UP's, although worse than DLSU's. None of the results were particularly surprising. The passing rate, I mean. The UPCAT's results were released much earlier than we expected. They guys proctoring us said that it'd be out by late February, but check the UPCAT site and you see results. I'd have to say that it's a bit troublesome to search for classmates. Only 9 out of 60+ passed. *wipes sweat* When it came to DLSU, however, almost everyone passed. You know I did. :)

Oh yeah, did I pass UP? Short answer: No.

And I don't particularly care, actually. Even if I passed, I wouldn't have gone there anyway, so it doesn't really matter to me. (Neko got all tense when she heard this piece of news though. She thinks she's just as smart as I am, but I'd have to disagree. She's 14, I'm 16. She confuses me a lot with this or that, which she throws into our conversations, where I'm left asking, "What is that?" Maybe she is as smart as I am, but then again, I have a 2 year lead in age. So what does that say about us?) Where was I? Eh... *gets distracted by Samurai X playing in the background* I'm lost, I forgot where I was going... Yeah, that happens a lot.

So, now, once again, I've forgotten the point of this post, oh yeah... I got into Ateneo... Since that purpose has been fulfilled and Slam Dunk is now playing, I'll leave the other posts I've planned to make till later.

0 pokes: