Thursday, November 09, 2006

Mischief Magic

I'm actually in school now and am fully apreciating the fact that Blogger actually prevents you from leaving a page directly, our school has some program that redirects us from a certain page to some other page (like Google, Yahoo, or our school's own retarted website. It probably has a bad word or something else in the page that the program looks for and sends us to another page, either way, Blogger isn't going to let me go until I agree to. So ^^ I'm typing up a post during computer class. Even though I don't understand what our teacher is typing on screen. Oh well... Actually, Frankie's page had me redirected when I tried it, but that isn't surprising really...

I do have a bit of a rant, then I'll go on with raving on and on the rest of the time. I hate my school computer's keyboard. I'm a relatively fast typer, and don't actually have to look at the keyboard when I type so when I do, I (duh) don't bother looking at the keyboard and sometimes the monitor as well. But that's obviously not a rant. My point is that (Man... is debating getting to me...) my keyboard is somewhat broken. When I press the Enter button, take note this isn't all the time, it get's stuck. So I end up having to free the button and erase all the Entered spaces... This is simply a nuisance that wastes my time, so heck...

BTW, I'll be posting the code of our program so I don't have to write it down...


Select Case e.Button
Case MouseButtons.Left
MessageBox.Show(Me, "Left button click", "ALERT")
Case MouseButtons.Right
MessageBox.Show(Me, "Right button click", "ALERT")
Case Else
MessageBox.Show(Me, "Middle button click", "ALERT")
End Select

Now, back to my post. ^^

I have been in such an absurdly cheery mode lately. A bit on the "emo" side though because of my "no creative writing" phase. Hey, I don't mean that I don't want to write, but I haven't been getting to writing anything of my own, be it from stories, essays, or blog posts. My previous post being totally euphoria-driven (I guess, I kinda forgot the word I was going to say) and Initial D-hypered. But now... It is still somewhat eurphoria-driven (although it has somewhat wanned) and is still so hyper. About two animes this time.

Should I get on with this post, or should I wait till tomorrow still? Hmm...

I'm not using the "tag" tab over there...

Anyway, I'm going to plug Frankie's new Jigoku Shojo site! Wohoo! Hah, Ron Bruise of Gaia Online reminiscent much? Go to It looks plain, but it the text doesn't disappear when you click the send button, there's no actual fear or intimidation that leaks... XP Too bad, Frankie, please try to get it to work...

Jigoku Shojo is such a facinating anime. It keeps me up till midnight every night...

*I'll get back to this later...

More codes for the time being:


Dim key As Integer
key = Asc(e.KeyChar)
Select Case key
Case Asc("0") To Asc("9")
e.Handled = False
Case Asc(ControlChars.Cr)
e.Handled = True
Case Asc(".")
If InStr(TextBox1.Text, ".") = 0 Then
e.Handled = False
End If
Case Else
e.Handled = True
End Select

Now, where was I... I have no idea... *pokes/prods/shakes thought bubble forming above head*

Ah yes, the most overwhelming wonderful news to scatter around like confetti in a hyper-active child's party... Dum-dum-dumdum! I have gotten an FC! Is met by silence and WTFing. Yes, I can understand that only an Initial D fan would truely appreciate such beautifully bent and painted metal." target="_blank">Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

*added Haha, Frankie.

1 pokes:

Anonymous said...