Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Pro-Abortion, and the Beginning of the Debate Between Kayu and the Thirteenth Angel

In today’s society, everything, well, almost everything, is different from what it used to be, our culture is different from what it was years ago. We all like in this fast-paced world, and as the McDonalds commercial goes, “Everything is fast” or something else quite similar. And in this society, our woman have a voice that is listened to, heck the US Secretary of State is a woman. Women have equal rights with men. Rights like, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, and Freedom of Decision.

My first point would be that women have the right to choose what they want to do with their lives, of course they'd be responsible too, but they now have the freedom to do what they wish, and the state should not interfere with this. If a woman finds that she is pregnant, either from an accident or a crime, she should be able to decide what she wants to do with the fetus within her. Her husband, or whoever partner she had, can talk to her about it, but it’s primarily her choice, her decision.

Second, a person, or whoever opposes this freedom of choice, should consider the child and its future. If the child is born, will he be in a good family? Will he be born in a good environment? Does his parents, or mother (if it’s single parenthood) have enough money to support him? It’s good if all the answers would be yes, but if the answers are yes, then the mother probably would want to have the child.

The problem is, not all children will be born into nice families who can nurture then properly. What if the parent has no money, or what if the couple already has an overload of children, what if both? If someone offers to assist them, then that’s nice, and it would actually turn up well, but who will actually go and offer the same kind of support to everyone? Not everyone will receive this, and that’s the problem. The government could say that they would, but in the Philippines, this is very impossible, not with all these crimes popping up everywhere. It would be better to let the child go before anything like this can happen.

And also you have to consider the teenagers who were not properly taught about sex and got pregnant. It deprives someone greatly of their time when taking care of their child, if you also, or even force, a teen to give birth to their child, then what will happen to the teen’s studies? They would probably not even finish their studies, just going on to work to support their child.

Teenagers are also not fully developed. If the mother gives birth, she risks her life as well as her child’s during the birth-giving process.

One thought to the churchgoers who oppose abortion, if a child dies, he/she goes to heaven, night? So if you let a child be born in an unstable environment, for example like the squatter’s area, then you are putting child in danger of loosing their soul. The squatter’s area or wherever is not a place you would want to raise a child in.

Now, look at one more benefit if you allow abortion. Jobs. There are people who abort children for these women who don’t know how to do it themselves. They also sell aborfinitives to help the mother eject the child.

And finally, it is mentioned in the article, that abortion is being met with more and more indifference every year. So it wouldn’t even be too hard to have it allowed. And women, who are opposed to it, change their minds and want it when they are in a situation that calls for it, like being a victim of rape, for example.

But basically, women and the society in general can reap many benefits by allowing abortion, like saving the child from risks or dangers he/she would have to endure if he/she is born. And it’s simply not anyone’s business but the couple’s if they want an abortion or not.

Yes, I know it’s a really messed up essay, but I was too lazy to try and fix it.

1 pokes:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to go with faulty arguement. I'm printing this out so as to assess my line of attack. You have made pretty good arguements...but they are going against the side of humanity itself. The point of debate is to appeal to humanity, not depravity. You've left pretty large loopholes Kayu.

Of course, I have yet to finish the assessment of your topic. However, you are a promising debater. It will be hard to stand against your next arguement seeing as my own stand is a bit shaky. I'm pulling in the parental forces on this...after all, I still recieve debate training from my mother, the great debater herself. Rest assured I will not cheat. I'm only going to ask some clarification as to the circumstances in which a baby's life can be sacrificed for the mother's.

Hope to debate with you soon.