Saturday, September 23, 2006

Update, update...

Yup, my over interest in making my blog look nicer has succeded, the only thing preventing it from being as I wish it to be is Blogger itself. It is not allowing me to move my new banner on top of the page in place of that plain bordered thing above. The hell, screw it! Just scroll down (press end on your keyboard) and view it at the bottom.

Anyway, onto more important things (apart from the fact that I actually got a visitor! XD). Our team lost a while ago against St. Scholastica. We lost. We lost. We loooooosssssttttt!!!

Four months of work...

First of all, Edward, our very impractical practical speaker, had to be late. Like, we were supposed to meet at school at 7:00am (it's beyond the point that I got there at 7:20), and he arrived at past 8. So we were frantically texting him (meaning, I was texting him frantically) to hurry up or we might be defaulted. Somehow I find that I'd prefer being defaulted rather than losing. It just hurts my pride I suppose.

I wonder how our Mr. Santos would react to this. He is scheduled to come back to school on Monday, and our news for him would be that we lost against St. Scho, who everyone else in the club was scoffing at.

Man, is the coming week ever going to be embarassing...

0 pokes: