Monday, October 15, 2007

Blogging for my desmise

HBO is promoting the movie Superman Returns and as the lady on the telly said earlier it will be showing only showing until the 21st.

So, I watched my... first (?) Superman movie at one today, and what did I think about it? Well, it was cool and all that. Superman comes back and finds that he has a kid. Ooh... Superman and son. I think I like that better than Superman and cousin, Supergirl. Yeah, Justice League Unlimited crap.

But the only thing I'd really like to comment on right now is the immense silliness of the idea of Superman.

You have Clark Kent here. Some reporter friend of his clicks away on his camera, pointed at him. But, tadaa, no recognition. Brilliant. Even Lois Lane and her fiancee were talking about Superman, his vital stats and such, then the fiancee, Richard, suddenly notices that is the same height as Superman. Then they just shrug it off and go, "Nah..."

Hah. Really, creator of Superman, whoever you are. That was so silly. As so many other superhero flicks and comics, just put on a mask, concealing your eyes and you become unrecognizable. Or in Superman's case, just remove his glasses and he becomes his super-powered alter ego. And he slips it on, the people go and wonder, where'd Superman go?!

Yeah, if that's so in the real world, I could just take off my glasses and rob a bank, and no one would know that it was me... Ah... fantasy.

1 pokes:

Anonymous said...

You've not seen a Superman movie before? Wow, you've missed out on quite a lot of background then. I know they're a bit dated, but I'd heartily recommend you watch the earlier films if you can. Especially the first one which is brilliant. The second one is alright and the third, well, Superman Returns basically replaced it.